The importance of management and documentation
◆ Key trends for management skills The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare will carry out a new project from [...]
◆ Key trends for management skills The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare will carry out a new project from [...]
◆ Actual awareness of the Work Style Reform Law is still low Many businesses have begun efforts to prepare for [...]
◆Regarding voluntary resignation for personal reasons An increasing number of regular company employees are experiencing trouble with having their voluntary [...]
◆What is “the right to disconnect”? “The right to disconnect” is the right for workers to be able to refuse [...]
En-Japan Co., Ltd, the recruiting agency, performed a survey of managers and human resources representatives regarding the "Work Style Reformation [...]
Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training (JILPT) has announced the results of its study into corporate welfare policies. This [...]
◆Did you come to Japan for the health insurance? There are about 2,560,000 foreign residents. But fraudulent use of the [...]
◆ What is health management? The health maintenance of employees is considered to be one of the tasks of company [...]
◆ Draft of the Big-boned Policy The government has concluded the draft of the Basic Policies for Economic and Fiscal [...]
◆Lowering allowances for regular employees to achieve “equal pay for equal work” The Japan Post Group will abolish residence allowances [...]