Our mission
社会保険労務士は聴診器のようなものであると心得ます。 聴診器が患者さんの病状を的確に把握する客観的な根拠をつかむために欠かせないツールであるように、社会保険労務士は労務管理上の問題点、課題を的確に把握し、予防策・解決策を導き出すお手伝いをいたします。聴診器を暖めてから患者さんの体に当てる医師のごとく、弊所は、気配り、優しさをモットーに仁術に長けた社労士事務所を目指しています。
Tokyo HR Headlines
Bankruptcies due to employees “resigning” will reach a record 87 in 2024, a significant increase from the previous record.
The shakeout of small and medium-sized enterprises that cannot "raise wages" is likely to accelerate by 2025. Of the [...]
Improvement of digital literacy, an essential measure to combat labor shortages
Many companies are taking various measures to address the growing labor shortage problem. According to a survey by the [...]
Points to note when posting information regarding recruitment on social networking sites, etc.
◆Recruitment advertisements must indicate the name of the recruiter, etc. Under the Employment Security Law, when providing information, etc. [...]
90% of companies in favor of revising the 1,030,000 yen barrier
◆What is the "1,030,000 yen barrier"? In a corporate survey conducted by Teikoku Databank (1,691 validly responding companies) on [...]