◆Will the human resources shortage problem put pressure on corporate management in 2016?
The results of a Sanno Institute of Management survey into how SME managers are thinking about earnings estimates for 2016 have been published.
Responding to the survey, many managers indicated that they felt business results would either be the same as in 2015 or would improve. On the other hand, they also assumed that the shortage of human resources would impact on the activity of management. Taking strategies to ensure that opportunities to increase performance would not be missed due to the shortage of human resources has become a matter of great urgency.
The human resources shortage problem is as serious as ever, and the securing of human resources can be regarded as a truly high-priority management issue.

◆Severe difficulties in hiring new graduates
For SMEs, the hiring of new graduates, in particular, has become severely difficult. The survey results revealed that, with regards to the recruitment of new graduates into companies in 2016, approximately 40% of SMEs responded that they will recruit fewer than originally planned.
This gap will be filled with mid-career employees. Responses revealed that more than 50% of SMEs have plans to recruit mid-career personnel in their eagerness to secure industry-ready personnel, resolve the constant personnel shortage, and fill vacancies.

◆The kind of recruitment that is desirable moving forwards
In the current situation, where the problem of human resources shortages is becoming increasingly serious, concerns are increasing about “how to produce a high-quality population” when screening applicants, be they new graduates or mid-career personnel.
Companies want to establish a method of approach that has a point of contact with desirable human resources. An increasing number of companies are trying to make effective use of social media such as Facebook. Going one step further, we are also seeing more cases where companies engage in direct recruiting by searching for human resources from databases like social media, making direct contact, and recruiting staff.
The message is that “following conventional methods will result in losing out to the competition.” As they proactively consider a variety of approaches, companies want their recruitment activities to also reflect their company culture.