◆Company hiring activity is increasing
Amid the labor shortage, companies are increasing their hiring activities. According to the results of a recent “Mid-career Recruitment and Job Search Fixed Point Survey (September 2022)” conducted by Mynavi Corporation, 39.8% of all companies conducted mid-career recruitment activities in September, and by employee size, approximately 50% of “51-300” and “301 or more” companies did so. Almost all industries saw a year-on-year increase in the rate of hiring activity implementation.

◆20% of companies that cannot recruit people
With the increase in recruiting activities, it seems that small and medium-sized companies are facing a difficult situation in recruiting new graduates. According to a survey conducted by the JCCI and the Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry on 6,007 small and medium-sized companies, 51.0% of companies recruited new graduates in FY2021, of which only 45.6% answered that they were able to hire the expected number, while approximately 20% of companies answered that they “recruited but could not hire at all” (19.9%).
Mynavi’s “Survey on the Status of Job Offers by New Graduates for Companies Hiring 2023 Graduates”, which summarizes the status of job offers for 2023 graduates and the outlook for 2024 graduates, also indicates that 78.6% of companies plan to hire 2024 graduates, and that the number of companies planning to hire “more” graduates will also increase. Under these circumstances, intensified recruitment activities are inevitable.

◆Recruitment activities also need to be devised
The situation surrounding recruitment has also changed dramatically, with online interviews becoming more widespread due to the Corona disaster. It has been heard that questions such as “gakuchika” (what you put effort into when you were a student), which are often used as questions in student recruitment activities, are also causing trouble for students who have few episodes due to the Corona disaster. In order to acquire human resources in a situation where conventional methods do not necessarily match up, it will be necessary for companies to devise their own recruitment methods and differentiate themselves from those of other companies.