In the trend toward reforming work styles, there is a tendency to place more emphasis on the quality of work, but one research study found that, in fact, there is not much difference in the “quality of work” of Japanese workers between regular and irregular employment, and that the only major difference is the “quality of income.

The study also showed that many workers, regardless of gender or employment status (full-time, non-full-time, part-time, etc.), are exposed to excessive work demands and have only inadequate “work resources” to do quality work.

Things that enhance the quality of work

The study states that what enhances the quality of work is the availability of the following “work resources,” all of which must be sufficient

[Discretion and learning opportunities]

Given discretion in the order and method of work. Opportunities to learn new things from superiors and colleagues, etc.

[Good management]

There is order and planning in the work. The supervisor treats employees with kindness and compassion. A reliable and trusted superior. Opportunities to obtain feedback and advice on one’s work from superiors and colleagues, etc.

[Good relationships]

The department has a willingness to work together. Work-related information has been shared. They are cooperating with each other to think of new ideas and implement them, etc.

Create an organization that is not dented by high-demanding work

It is not advisable to attempt to reduce long working hours without a clear plan of action. Behind the creation of long working hours are numerous problems related to “work resources,” such as unclear work goals, inadequate work planning and arrangements, and lack of necessary communication.

In order to create an organization and workplace that is not dented by overloaded or high-demanding work, it is necessary to prepare “work resources” and increase employees’ sense of wellness, job satisfaction, mental health, and work engagement.

It’s a good idea to take a look at your company’s work resources once in a while.