◆Recruitment advertisements must indicate the name of the recruiter, etc.
Under the Employment Security Law, when providing information, etc. on recruitment through advertisements, etc., including those on the Internet and SNS such as X, false or misleading representations must not be made (Article 5-4).
Recently, there have been some cases of recruiting workers to commit crimes on the Internet (shady jobs), and some of these advertisements may be misleading as normal recruitment.
The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW) encourages employers to be sure to display the following six information when recruiting workers directly through SNS, etc.: (1) the name (or names) of the recruiter, (2) address, (3) contact information (telephone number, etc.), (4) job description, (5) work location, and (6) wages.
Q How far should “Address (Location)” be listed?
A Building name, floor number, and even room number must be listed.
Q What should be listed as “contact information”?
A You must provide either a phone number, email address, or a link to a dedicated contact form provided on your website.
Q Is it acceptable to include a link to the recruitment information on the company’s website where the name and other information is listed, without including the name and other information itself?
A Since a link to a company’s website may be misleading, including whether or not it is a job offer in the first place, it is necessary to include the above 6 information in the advertisement itself that provides the recruitment information.
Q Is it necessary to provide the same details regarding the nature of work, place of employment and wages as required by Article 5-3 of the Employment Security Law and Article 15 of the Labor Standards Law?
A Although the job descriptions do not necessarily have to be the same, the job description, work location, and wages should be described so that job seekers will not be misled. For example, the job location may be listed as “the place of employment immediately after hiring” without stating the “scope of change in the place of employment,” or it may list multiple candidate sites and say “negotiable,” or it may list the wages as “1,500 yen per hour or higher,” but if these are listed, it is not considered an immediate violation of Article 5-4 of the Employment Security Law.