◆ What is health management?

The health maintenance of employees is considered to be one of the tasks of company management, and working to this end in a strategic and planned manner is what we refer to as health management. In the context of initiatives towards the management of appropriate work times, moderate levels of exercise, dietary guidance, etc., services that support the diet of employees through fringe benefits are attracting a lot of attention recently.

◆ Examples of services

1) Home food deliveries

Home food deliveries deliver products tailored to your lifestyle—such as organic, low-pesticide, or additive-free foods in addition to processed foods and seasonings etc.— to your door. You can enjoy a healthy diet with a focus on vegetables by eating a variety of seasonal vegetables.

Example of the service: Individual home delivery service provided by Radishbo-ya etc.

2) Company meals

These are services for companies that are unable to provide proper company meals. They include a service that provides warm, healthy meals in a buffet style for \500 per meal; a service offering side dishes of your choice that can be purchased at any time for a minimum price of \100; and a service offering fresh fruit and vegetables together with your meal.

Examples of services: Minna no Shokudo, Office Okan, OFFICE DE YASAI

3) Drinks

These services offer a greater selection of drinks than a vending machine at 1/10th of the power cost. They offer vegetable-based drinks, together with health information and seminars or a high-quality coffee service using coffee beans roasted by the company and a proper coffee machine.

Examples of services: Office Oasis, Total Office Service, KIRIN naturals, etc.

4) Other services

Services that are space saving, energy saving, and e-payment compatible, as if there was a small convenience store inside the company. Download the application, and there are systems that will deliver your lunchbox within 20 minutes.

Examples of services: mini CAFÉ, bento.jp, etc.


The number of companies entering this market is increasing, but the number of companies using such services is also increasing. We invite you to consider services that would be suitable for your company.